
29 September 2021

Birkenhead School was delighted to welcome chef, restaurateur and popular TV presenter, Rick Stein CBE, to the School in September in conjunction with Linghams Booksellers in Heswall.

Rick is a natural raconteur and thoroughly entertained throughout the evening with tales of his travels and love of food. Over 270 guests attended the talk in Bushell Hall which coincided with the launch of his new book ‘Rick Stein: At Home’. During the evening Rick spoke about how he had written his latest book during lockdown and how he had to be creative with the recipes and ingredients used.

One of the chapters in his book is entitled ‘Guinea Pig and Friends’ and Rick talked about how he and his wife host dinner parties which is an opportunity to test out new recipes. Rick enjoyed lockdown as it was an opportunity to cook all the recipes he had been meaning to try for some time and became a time for him to remember the joys of regular cooking at home as well as the delightful importance of cooking regularly for family and friends.

For any readers looking to visit Rick’s Padstow Seafood Restaurant in the future, Rick’s meal of choice would be the Fish Soup to start followed by either Turbot or Dover Sole – one to note, however, readers are also advised to book early!

Rick is the latest in a number of high-profile speakers who have visited the School as part of the School’s Inspiring Talks Series. Other guests have included BBC TV presenters and broadcasters, George Alagiah, Clare Balding and Kate Humble, health and fitness guru, Joe Wicks, author and former politician, Jeffrey Archer and First Admiral Sea Lord, Sir Philip Jones.

On Saturday 16th October, Birkenhead School is welcoming Matt Baker, TV Presenter, in conjunction with Linghams. Tickets are available for the public event through Linghams by calling 0151 342 7290 or online at www.linghams.co.uk.