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Pastoral Support

Happiness is a high priority throughout the School.  Within the Prep we pride ourselves on the level of pastoral support offered in these formative years.


Form Teachers & Small Classes

Form teachers develop excellent relationships with pupils within small class settings.  Teachers get to know each child well and are able to fully support them, understanding their individual strengths and what makes them ‘tick’, as well as being able to identify when they may need extra help or support.  The smaller setting allows children plenty of opportunities to express their opinions and feelings, as well as helping them feel confident to contribute to class discussions.

School Chaplain

The School Chaplain plays an important role in the spiritual and personal development of pupils.  As well as the formal contact children have through Chapel services and assemblies, the Chaplain is also available to talk to pupils and offer guidance and support.

School Nurse

The School Nurse is based within the Prep and offers invaluable support and assistance with medical problems and accidents and is also available for pupils to consult on a confidential basis should they wish to discuss any other concerns.

House System

Within Prep, the four Houses of Shrewsbury, Kingsmead, Bidston and Beresford offer students camaraderie as well as opportunities to make friendships across the School and build up a wider network outside of their year groups. 

Time to Talk Group

For our Reception to Year 2 pupils, a ‘Time to Talk’ group is offered at lunchtimes during the week and is a time for children to develop their speaking skills and self-confidence.

Nurture Group

Nurture Group runs during lunchtimes and children choose to attend the group if there are any particular areas or issues they would like to talk about or if they need any support.  The School Nurse follows up with any children who may need extra time or support.

Buddy Bench

Within Little School playground, home to our Infants (Reception to Year 2), our Buddy Bench offers children a place to sit if they are on their own and would like someone to play with them.

Parental Support

Parents also benefit from the Parent Seminar Programme that offers a range of talks on topics.  

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

Our programme of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) covers a wide range of topics, many of which are closely related to pastoral matters such as attitudes to others, relationships and bullying.