
Sunday Times Schools Guide 2025 - Independent Secondary School of the Year North West


From January 2025


Nursery (Year-Round Provision)

Nursery is open for 50 weeks of the year, closing for a two week Christmas break and public holidays.

Full Day:     8.00am-6.00pm
Morning Session:     8.00am-12.30pm
Afternoon Session:     1.30pm-6.00pm

Fees include all meals, powdered formula milk for babies up to one year of age and nappies (parents are welcome to provide their own brands if they prefer).  The Nursery seeks to accommodate each family’s circumstances but encourages full-day sessions, particularly as a child approaches Pre-Prep and school age to enable better preparation and continuity with teaching and care.

Full time attendance (five full days per week) £5,265 per term
8 sessions per week £4,764 per term
6 sessions per week £3,573 per term
4 sessions per week £2,382 per term
2 sessions per week (one full day per week) £1,191 per term
Each half-day session £595 per term

Parents have a choice of paying monthly via direct debit or termly in advance. Childcare vouchers and tax free childcare payments are accepted for payment of fees.

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Pre-Prep (Year-Round Provision)

​Pre-Prep is open for children to attend 50 weeks of the year, closing for a two week Christmas break and public holidays. The minimum attendance requirement for Pre-Prep is three, full days a week.
There are a range of various packages available in our Pre-Prep as we develop and equip children for full-time schooling and learning that will continue and last a lifetime.

The different packages enable families entitled to the various forms of government-funded childcare to benefit and maximise the support of families, particularly those with working parents.  While core-hours are from 8.30am – 3.30pm during term-time and 8.00am-4.00pm during school holiday periods, there are many options which enable the School to provide families with ‘wrap-around’ care.

From the term after a child turns 3, they will be eligible for 15 hours of Early Years funding with some children eligible for further support of up to 30 hours per week (funding is available for up to a maximum of 38 weeks a year).

Standard/15 hours funding provision Termly Tuition Fees
3 terms per year
Termly Catering Fee
Attendance Provision provided included within the termly fee during Without funding Including 15 hours funding Compulsory for all children
Term -Time
(38 weeks)
“Holiday” – Time
3 days a week 8:30am – 3:30pm 8:00am – 4:00pm £2,825 £1,920 £204
4 days a week 8:30am – 3:30pm 8:00am – 4:00pm £3,740 £2,835 £272
5 days a week 8:30am – 3:30pm 8:00am – 4:00pm £4,040 £3,135 £340


Extended/30 hours funding provision Termly Tuition Fees
3 terms per year
Termly Catering Fee
Attendance Provision provided included within the termly fee in Including 30 hours funding
(27 hours over 3 days)
Compulsory for all children
Term -Time
(38 weeks)
“Holiday” – Time
3 days a week 8:00am – 6:00pm 8:00am – 4:00pm £1,534 £204
4 days a week 8:00am – 5:00pm 8:00am – 4:00pm £1,930 £272
5 days a week 8:00am – 5:30pm 8:00am – 4:00pm £2,230 £340


Supplementary charges (if provision is not already included in your termly fee)
Supplementary charges – invoiced separately
Early morning drop off, from 8:00am (term time) £420 per day
Fun Club sessions £9 per session until 5pm
£5.75 per session from 5pm – 6pm
Additional days (where available) (8:30am – 3:30pm) – including catering £73 per day
Fun Club sessions during “Holiday” Time
Provision for care from 4pm – 6pm remains for nearly all weeks, but needs booking for all children.
£12.00 per session

The full details are available from Mrs Clare Foreman (0151 652 4114) / earlyyearsadmissions@birkenheadschool.co.uk with information on funding and eligibility available at www.childcarechoices.gov.uk.

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The fees at the School include a wide range of co-curricular activities, almost all text books and materials, exercise books and a number of whole year group trips (including the Year 6 Adventure Holiday), travel to sporting fixtures and a level of travel and personal accident insurance.

From Reception upwards, a number of after-school activities and clubs are available for children to attend free of charge.

Reception £3,768 per term
Prep – Years 1 to 2 £4,064 per term
Prep – Years 3 to 6 £4,307 per term

All fees are inclusive of VAT

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Senior School and Sixth Form

Senior & Sixth Form
Senior School (Years 7 and 8) £5,022 per term
Senior School (Years 9 to 11) £5,704 per term
Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13) £5,776 per term

All fees are inclusive of VAT

Fees include, in addition to the cost of tuition and a wide range of co-curricular activities, almost all text books and materials, exercise books, examination fees (with the exception of re-sits), a number of year group trips, travel to sporting fixtures and a level of travel and personal accident insurance.

The sum of £30 is added to the fees for the Michaelmas Term for all students in Seniors and this covers the cost of lifelong membership to the Old Birkonian Society, after seven years’ payment.

Seniors Apply Now

Sixth Form Apply Now

Additional Charges

Additional Charges
(Pre-Prep to Year 11)
£340 per term
Early Morning Drop-Off (from 8.00 am) £4.20 per day
Homework Club / Fun Club
£9 per session until 5pm, plus £5.75 after 5pm (or following attendance at a co-curricular activity).Seniors:
£9 per session until 5pm, plus £5.75 after 5pm (or following attendance at a co-curricular activity).
Study Skills / Learning Support Sessions £255 per term +VAT (10 sessions average)
Minibus Service £430 per term

Supplementary charges for activities/services/items not covered above will be advised individually.

Conditions of Admission

Conditions of Admission

Admissions Contact Information
Senior & Sixth Form Admissions
Ms Julie Hopper
0151 651 3009

Prep Admissions
Mrs Helen Askew
0151 652 4114

Early Years Admissions
Mrs Clare Foreman
0151 652 4114

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