Senior Pastoral Care

Sunday Times Schools Guide 2025 - Independent Secondary School of the Year North West

We place great importance and value on the pastoral support offered to all students in Seniors. Our close-knit community allows us to get to know students well, allowing us to support each student so that they leave School as confident, conscientious and responsible young adults, ready to take their places in the world. As well as the wider Pastoral Support network in the wider School, bespoke and tailored pastoral advice and guidance is offered within Seniors.

Form Tutors & Small Classes

Form Tutors and Class Teachers form excellent relationships with students within small class settings. They have the time to know each student well, and are able to fully support them, knowing their individual strengths and motivations as well as being able to identify when they may need extra help or support.

The Form Tutor sees their students every day and is responsible for monitoring academic progress, and encouraging personal and social development.  The Form Tutor is always the first point of contact for parents.

School Chaplain

The School Chaplain plays an important role in the spiritual and personal development of students.  As well as the formal contact children have through Chapel services and assemblies, the Chaplain is also available to talk to students and offer guidance and support.

School Nurse

The School Nurse is based within the Prep and offers invaluable support and assistance with medical problems and accidents and is also available for students to consult on a confidential basis should they wish to discuss any other concerns.

House System

Within Seniors, the four Houses of Shrewsbury, Kingsmead, Bidston and Beresford offer students camaraderie as well as opportunities to make friendships across the School and build up a wider network outside of their year groups.

Sixth Form Mentors

Sixth Form students act as Peer Mentors to Year 7 students; helping them to settle in to life in Seniors and provide another point of contact should they have any questions or concerns.  Mentors act as friends and advisors, willing to pass on concerns where necessary.  Students and their mentors stay in touch throughout the week via School email.

Heads of Year

Heads of Year work with Form Tutors to oversee both pastoral wellbeing and academic progress. They form very good relationships with all students across the cohort and they will provide additional support or intervention, as appropriate. In Seniors, the Head of Overdale co-ordinates the overall pastoral care for students in Years 7 and 8. The Head of Middle School does similarly for Years 9, 10 and 11, and the Head of Sixth Form is responsible for pastoral care for Lower and Upper Sixth. The Assistant Head Pastoral supports Heads of Year and Section, as well as the Deputy Head.

Deputy Head

Overseeing the pastoral system in Seniors is the Deputy Head.  The Deputy Head liaises with the Assistant Head Pastoral, Heads of Section and the Heads of Year on a regular basis ensuring the continuity of care, both academically and pastorally.

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