A wide range of concerts take place throughout the year, from the individual solo recitals to huge celebrations involving pupils from Infants, Prep and Seniors.
Serenade Concerts
Serenade Concerts take place termly in either Prep Hall or Bushell Hall. They are for our less experienced performers, from beginner to Grade 2 level, and offer excellent opportunities to perform solo in front of an audience.
Chamber Concerts
Chamber Music Concerts are held in November during our Festival of Arts and in February. These concerts are for our smaller ensembles and more advanced soloists.
Whole School Concerts
School-wide concerts are held at Christmas and during our Birkonian Week celebrations in the summer term. These large-scale events bring together the school’s music community to celebrate and showcase students’ talents through collaborative performances.
Choral Evensong
The School’s Chapel Choir performs at the weekly Sunday Evensong services held in the School Chapel.
Lunchtime Recitals
Each November, our Festival of Arts offers students the chance to showcase their talents in daily lunchtime recitals for both Prep and Senior pupils. They also enjoy inspiring performances by visiting tutors and guest artists from outside the School.