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Sunday Times Schools Guide 2025 - Independent Secondary School of the Year North West


Music at Birkenhead School is lively, varied, and, most importantly, fun! There is an ever-growing range of choirs, bands, orchestras and other ensembles to cater for all tastes and abilities.

From our robed Chapel Choir, which sings Choral Evensong every Sunday, to our assortment of instrumental ensembles, there really is something for everyone.

Music is essentially a practical activity; a means of self-expression and an opportunity to develop character and self-confidence. We hope that as many children as possible are able to benefit from the range of music making on offer here at Birkenhead School.

Instrumental & Vocal Tuition

Instrumental & Vocal Tuition

The Music Department has a full staff of visiting music tutors who give individual tuition in a wide variety of instruments to students throughout the School. Students joining us from elsewhere are given the opportunity to begin learning an instrument or to continue studying an instrument they have taken up at their previous school.

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Orchestras & Ensembles

Orchestras & Ensembles

Participation in co-curricular music-making is strongly encouraged at all ages. Students involved in the Instrumental Programme attach themselves to one or more instrumental groups as soon as they are able to play sufficiently well to join in.

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Concerts & Events

Concerts & Events

A wide range of concerts take place throughout the year, from the individual solo recitals to large celebrations involving pupils from Prep and Seniors.

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Singing is a vital part of School life, and there is a wide range of opportunity for all, from singing hymns in weekly morning Chapel services to performing on the stage in Bushell Hall and beyond and we aspire to offer a wide range of opportunities for children of all ages.

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Festival of Arts

Festival of Arts

The two-week programme of events held in the Michaelmas term has grown into a celebration of all the arts, featuring workshops and events from the Music, Art, Drama, and English departments.

The festival includes a range of educational workshops and masterclasses featuring guest musicians, artists and actors, providing stimulating and enriching experiences for students of all ages and many of these sessions are also open to pupils at other local schools.

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Chapel Choir

Chapel Choir

We believe the Chapel Choir is unique amongst independent day schools. Choristers perform what is essentially a cathedral repertoire. Admission is by audition, with voice trials held every September, although the Director of Music may assess individuals at other time of year as well. Apart from providing the music in Chapel during the week and at the Sunday service, the Choir undertakes recitals and services in various cathedrals.

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Scholarships & Awards

Scholarships & Awards

A limited number of Music Scholarships are available at Senior School entry level for particularly promising young musicians, and may also be awarded higher up the School. 

Instrumental Awards are also available for those students wishing to study ‘shortage’ instruments such as cello, bassoon or horn.

Scholarships & Bursaries