Sixth Form Music

Sunday Times Schools Guide 2025 - Independent Secondary School of the Year North West

Inspiring Young Musicians

Music continues to play an important role in life within the Sixth Form, with many students taking leadership roles within the various choirs, bands, orchestras and other ensembles, to inspire and enthuse younger musicians.

Instrumentalists are invited to attend rehearsals after school on Mondays, when we form a number of larger groups depending on the range of instruments available. These usually include our Senior Orchestra and Big Band. Smaller groups also meet during the week during lunchtimes.

Singers are encouraged to join at least one of our choirs, from our Senior Choir to our flagship Chapel Choir, which sings Choral Evensong in Chapel every Sunday during term time.

Honorary Sixth Form Music Scholarships In addition, there is an Organ Scholarship available, usually but not exclusively, at Sixth Form level.  For further details, please contact the Director of Music.

Orchestras & Ensembles


A limited number of Music Scholarships are available at Senior School entry level for particularly promising musicians, and may also be awarded higher up the School. In addition, there is an Organ Scholarship available, usually but not exclusively, at Sixth Form level.

Instrumental Music Awards are also available for those pupils wishing to study ‘shortage’ instruments such as cello, bassoon or horn.

For further detailed information on the Music offering within the School please click the links below.

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