Wraparound Care

Sunday Times Schools Guide 2025 - Independent Secondary School of the Year North West

Offering Comprehensive Wrap-around Care 

We know how important it is to offer a comprehensive wrap-around care provision to our families to provide convenience and peace of mind, reducing the stress of arranging alternative childcare.

At Birkenhead School there is provision in place from 8am – 6pm five days a week including Early Morning Drop-Off, Homework Club and Fun Club for our younger pupils.

Please note that additional charges apply for our wrap-around care options (exception is for co-curricular clubs that are delivered by Birkenhead School staff)


Early Morning Drop Off

Our Early Morning Club provides a safe and welcoming environment for children in the Prep, starting from 8.00am. Located in Little School, it offers a convenient early drop-off option for parents. While breakfast is not provided, children enjoy a calm and supervised start to their day. At 8.30am, they are accompanied to their classrooms by a member of staff.

Open to children in Pre-Prep to Year 6.

Fun Club

Fun Club provides a safe, nurturing, and enjoyable space for children in Pre-Prep, Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 after the school day, running until 6.00pm. Children are offered a snack and drink, giving them time to unwind, play, and socialise with friends in a relaxed and caring environment.

Fun Club is based in Little School, with collection via the Little School entrance.

Homework Club

Homework Club takes place after School from 4.00pm until 6.00pm and offers students a structured learning environment as well as academic assistance. It is expected that students complete their homework and then they are free to read a book from the Library.

Homework Club takes place in Junior Prep and the School Library for Senior students.

Co-Curricular Clubs

Students can also take part in our wide range of after-school clubs and activities. We want everyone to find their niche while at Birkenhead School and encourage all our students to take the opportunity to explore their interests and passions during the school day. Our clubs and activities are led by our staff, external providers or our older students and there really is something for everyone. Whether they’re a fan of anime or a dab hand at photography, they’re sure to find something they love.



Holiday Activity Weeks

Birkenhead School is working with Top Spin Activity Camps during 2025 to provide wrap-around care for pupils aged 4-11 years. Information on upcoming dates and the programmes available can be viewed on the Top Spin website.

Watch this Space! Birkenhead School is working with Top Spin Activity Camps to launch a new and exciting range of new courses at Birkenhead School from 2026.

Top Spin Activity Camps

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