Sixth Form Pastoral Care

Sunday Times Schools Guide 2025 - Independent Secondary School of the Year North West

We place great importance and value on the pastoral support offered to all students.

As a Sixth Form team, we aim to create a caring environment where students are valued for who they are and not simply for what they do.

The aim of the pastoral team is to build a relationship based on mutual respect and trust. Together with colleagues and parents, we act as guiding figures in seeking to ensure that each student achieves their potential, academically, socially and personally.

Heads of Sixth Form

The Head of Sixth Form works closely with the Head of Lower Sixth and a team of experienced tutors to provide academic and pastoral advice and guidance to the Sixth Form community. The Head of Lower Sixth has a particular responsibility for this year group, liaising with the Head of Sixth Form and the Sixth Form tutors to monitor academic progress and support well-being.

Form Tutors & Tutorial Groups

The work of the Form Tutor underpins the whole experience of the student in the Sixth Form, ultimately affecting performance in academic subjects, and influencing the ethos of the Sixth Form.

Tutors lead small tutor groups in the Sixth Form, comprising students from Lower and Upper Sixth. Their role is to be a day-to-day point of contact for their tutees, supporting them and providing expert advice and guidance.  It is through regular contact, and as a result of genuine interest, that a strong working relationship between tutor and tutee can develop and flourish. It also means that those requiring more support can be quickly identified.

The Curriculum

School Chaplain

The School Chaplain, Mrs. Hobbs, plays an important role in the spiritual and personal development of students.  As well as the formal contact children have through Chapel services and assemblies, the Chaplain is also available to talk to students and offer guidance and support.

School Nurse

The School Nurse is based within the Prep and offers invaluable support and assistance with medical problems and accidents and is also available for students to consult on a confidential basis should they wish to discuss any other concerns.

House System

Within Sixth Form, the four Houses of Shrewsbury, Kingsmead, Bidston and Beresford offer students camaraderie as well as opportunities to make friendships across the School and build up a wider network outside of their year groups.


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