Singing is a vital part of School life, and there is a wide range of opportunity for all, from singing hymns in weekly morning Chapel services to performing on the stage in Bushell Hall and beyond and we aspire to offer a wide range of opportunities for children of all ages.
Senior Choir
Senior Choir is a mixed voice choir that includes students and staff and membership is open to all without audition. Rehearsals take place once a week. As well as promoting the joy of singing, the mixed choir prepares music for the two large School concerts held at Christmas and during Birkonian Week celebrations.
Chapel Choir
The School’s Chapel Choir is perhaps unique amongst independent day schools. Choristers perform what is essentially a cathedral repertoire. Admission is by audition, with voice trials held every September. As well as providing the music in Chapel during the week and at the Sunday service, the Choir undertakes recitals and services in cathedrals all over the country. The Chapel Choir community is truly special part of School life, enabling students from Prep, Seniors and the Sixth Form perform together as musical equals.
Chapel ChoirPrep Choir
The Prep Choir takes many forms throughout the School year, as singing forms an integral part of the curriculum in Prep, giving all pupils regular opportunities to perform – either as a form group, year group, or even whole School. Every form will sing at a class assembly once a year, and Year 5 Choir and Year 6 Choir sing at the two aforementioned major School concerts. A significant number of the most talented singers in Years 5 and 6 are also choristers in the Chapel Choir.
Prep School Music