During the Michaelmas Term, our Sixth Form students eagerly welcomed a series of inspirational speakers as part of the Nicholls Lecture Series. These highly anticipated events featured thought-provoking talks covering a wide range of topics, leaving a lasting impact on our students.
Dr Emily Clarke
A History of HIV: Past, Present & Future
Dr Emily Clarke is a consultant physician and regional research lead in genitourinary medicine and HIV at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital. She is Chair of the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) Herpes Special Interest Group. Dr Clarke delivered a fascinating lecture discussing the history of HIV.
Mike McGrath OB
Confusion, Chaos and Clarity – Lessons in Life and Career
Mike has over 20 years’ experience in the UK and global voluntary sectors, specialising in strategic, commercial, and charitable partnerships; philanthropy and major institutional income generation; and senior relationship engagement and ambassadorial networks. His experience includes child protection; microfinance; older people’s services; and international development. His previous non-executive roles in the sector have included Trusteeships at Lepra and the Charity Employees Benevolent Fund. Mike studied history at the University of Newcastle; International Development & Business Innovation at the Open University; Fundraising Management with the Institute of Fundraising; and is a triple alumnus of the Windsor Leadership Trust. Mike is currently the Special Adviser to the NSPCC’s Child Safety Online Taskforce.
John Hearnshaw OB
The James Webb Space Telescope and how it is revolutionising astronomy
Professor Hearnshaw, former professor of Astronomy at the University of Canterbury, returned to England, from his base in New Zealand, and delivered a fascinating talk about the revolutionary James Webb-Telescope. Michelle L. Sixth Form student remarked: “I personally I learned a lot that day – both at the Sixth Form-wide lecture and over the delicious lunch provided by the catering team afterwards. The lunch was attended by only a few students and teachers, giving us an opportunity to pose further questions to the lecturer, and learn more about his life and work. It was a fantastic experience, so I would like to (on behalf of the Sixth Form) thank Emeritus Professor Hearnshaw for coming such a long way, and delivering such an informative and engaging lecture.”
Dr Scott Murray
Outsmart Your Heart
The Sixth Form welcomed Dr Scott Murray, Consultant Cardiologist at Liverpool University Hospital Foundation Trust, to the school to deliver a fascinating lecture titled “Outsmart Your Heart”. Dr Murray explained his pathway to medicine and focused the lecture on the causes and effects of coronary heart disease, along with preventative measures we can incorporate into our everyday lives. Alice, J, Sixth Form student commented: “Dr Murray’s research is all about being able to prevent heart attacks before they happen, whilst stents are effective at preventing another, they are not preventative measures. He explained that using AI and CT scans they can predict the likelihood of a heart attack occurring! It was fascinating!”
Martin Wilson OB
Journalism in the “Year of Democracy”
Old Birkonian, Mr Martin Wilson, delivered a lecture detailing his career in journalism, starting in 1980, when he joined BBC Newsnight as well as joining the Panorama team. Jack V, Lower Sixth Student commented: “I would like to thank Mr Wilson for giving up his time to speak to us, and for documenting his vast and interesting career in the world of journalism. It was inspiring, and gave us useful pieces of advice for the future.”